
Why Montrose

Montrose is a formative institution. Here, we remind girls that “You are unique, unrepeatable and called by God. You are here for a purpose.” Yes, we are here to educate and empower young women to achieve academic excellence. But more importantly, we exist to strengthen each student, to affirm her dignity and to evoke the greatness within her. What we care about most is who each girl is and the kind of person she will become.

Our unique and proven program combines:

  • a rich liberal arts curriculum with carefully chosen core texts
  • a nationally-recognized LifeCompass character and leadership immersion program
  • partnership with parents as every student's first and most important educators
Greatness of mind. Greatness of heart. Greatness of character. That's what makes a Montrose education unique.

Every aspect of a Montrose experience helps a young woman build a life compass, one that orients her to pursue the truth (veritas) with her mind, to seek authentic friendships and noble ambition with her heart (caritas), and to direct her whole self toward free and responsible action (libertas). This compass equips her to navigate life with joy and purpose.
Hear from our students:

"the best decision"

These three components defined a Montrose education for Kasey C. '22.
Abigail S. '25: "The academic opportunities at Montrose make me feel like I am ready to tackle whatever challenges I may face."
For Tvesha P. '27, the toughest part about life at Montrose is choosing which of the many clubs and activities to join!

"Cornerstone of a Montrose Education"

Upcoming Admission Events

Contact Us:

List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Kelly Melley

    Kelly Melley 

    Director of Admission
    508-359-2423 x336
  • Photo of Michelle Barrette

    Michelle Barrette 

    Associate Director of Admission
    508-359-2423 x 387
  • Photo of Hannah Stebbins

    Hannah Stebbins 

    Assistant Director of Admission
    508-359-2423 x353
An independent school for girls in grades 6-12 guided by the teachings of the Catholic Church.