
Our Faculty

Spotlight on our Faculty

Becky Roberts, English
BA, Bates College
MA, Middlebury College
MA, Character Education, University of Birmingham (UK) 

“In our middle school, we focus on good habits of mind, character and heart, like empathy, compassion and hope, to help the girls develop strong, enduring relationships. At this age, they are ripe for good coaching and open to good conversations; we want to engage them in ways that will help them grow.”

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  • Photo of Monica Baker
    Monica Baker
    Math teacher, Science teacher, Science Dept Coordinator
    Worcester Polytechnic Institute - BS
    University of Michigan - MBA
    What do you love about teaching?
    I love helping students understand new concepts. There is nothing better than when you see the lightbulb go off over a student's head when a concept clicks.

    Why are you passionate about your subjects?
    Math and science have always been fun for me because they help make sense of the world. I especially want to help girls learn to love these subjects because they have traditionally been discouraged from them.

    What are the benefits of an all girls education?
    I believe an all girls education is extremely powerful. In co-ed classrooms, often boys speak up more in class and end up dominating the class discussions. An all girls school builds girls’ self-confidence in a way that they don't get in a mixed gender education. 

    What is your favorite Montrose tradition?
    I particularly like the welcome handshake line on the first day of school, because it helps create a community from day one and makes new students and teachers feel welcome. I also like the annual day of service because it teaches the girls to give back.

    Is there a quote or motto that inspires you?
    “Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.” - Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

    What are some of your passions, hobbies or skills outside the classroom?
    I love to read, hike and crochet.
  • Photo of Patti Bettinelli
    Patti Bettinelli
    Physical Education teacher, Coach Varsity Field Hockey, J.V. Basketball, Asst. Varsity Lacrosse
    University of New Hampshire - BS
    What do you love about teaching?  
    I really enjoy teaching the girls new sports and games that they may have never played before. I love teaching them how important exercise is and having them try new things and succeed at them. They enjoy trying new sports in PE and it has sparked many to go on to play these sports at Montrose.

    What are the benefits of an all girls education?
    The way the girls thrive and grow in confidence. From the very start in 6th grade, they are given assignments where they have to speak or defend topics to the class. They learn to have confidence in what they say and to be fearless in their defense of their opinions and beliefs. The girls have friendships with boys after school or on the weekends, but in the academic setting they can focus on their schoolwork.

    What is your favorite Montrose tradition?
    I love all of our Christmas traditions, from Secret Santa, to decorating poles in the cafeteria, to our Christmas Lessons & Carols concert. It makes it feel like a family here.

    What’s a book that has influenced you?
    My favorite book is Putting Down Roots by Fr. Joseph Muzquiz. It is about how Opus Dei began in the United States with Fr. Sal, and Servant of God Fr. Joseph. They started with nothing and came with their faith. It is such an inspiration for me. I especially love it because it mentions our own chaplain emeritus, Rev. Richard Rieman (“Fr. Dick”), who was one of the first members.

    Is there a quote or motto that inspires you?
    "Your life is not about you. It’s about God and God’s purpose for you. Orient your life to God." - Bishop Robert Barron

    What are some of your passions, hobbies or skills outside the classroom?
    I love to watch and play many sports, most recently tennis. I have also played in a competitive field hockey leagues for more than 16 years. I love to hike, kayak and travel, and to spend time with my husband and our six awesome kids.
  • Photo of Jennifer Bowman
    Jennifer Bowman
    Art, Religion
    Fitchburg State College - BS
    University of Birmingham (UK) - MA
    What do you love about teaching? 
    Art is a unique view into a girl's learning habits. Because the process is slow, it allows me to coach each student on what she does well and how she can tweak her work and improve her skills. I see the process evolve and can encourage them to be intellectually courageous and learn from their mistakes. And it's fun to see the girls exercise the other side of the brain and shift into a different pace - I love watching it unfold.

    Why are you passionate about your subject?
    In art, we are teaching about beauty, human connection and the human experience in different times and different cultures. 

    What is a favorite project you do with students?
    • I do a drawing project where I teach the girls how to give feedback in a way that is clear, concise and constructive. At first they are self-conscious and worry about hurting feelings, but with practice they gain the vocabulary to give constructive feedback that helps others improve their work.
    • The linear perspective project in Studio Renaissance Art is lots of fun. Students study a building in Florance, then on paper they work out the perspective lines and vanishing points. As they work, they discover how the architect designed the building in the 1400s. It's like a treasure hunt.
    What is special about working at Montrose?
    Everyone here truly cares about every student, every colleague and everyone who comes through the door. The faculty and staff are truly interested in helping every girl become the best version of herself -  intellectually, spiritually, in every way.  It is a very authentic place. I am always inspired by what my colleagues are doing in the classroom.

    What is your favorite Montrose tradition?
    The Baccalaureate Mass and Senior Dinner, when faculty, staff and parents celebrate graduating seniors. It's a beautiful evening when we can reflect on the journey that each of the students has been on. 

    What’s a book that has influenced you?
    John Adams by David McCullough. I am awed by the character of these individuals who were stretched beyond what they ever considered under great adversity and great ideals. They started under such odds.

    What is something that students would be surprised to learn about you? 
    I have drive across the country twice; I'm a big fan of the underdog; and I learned to fly a plane from my dad who was a pilot. 
  • Photo of Maria Dodds Silveyra
    Maria Dodds Silveyra
    Universidad Catolica Argentina - BA
    What do you love about teaching?  
    I love to witness growth and change in students. Languages are a great tool for students - I love seeing how learning a language can make a person grow.

    What’s the Montrose difference?
    I see it in the respect students have for teachers, their love for learning, and the cheerfulness of the environment.

    What is your favorite Montrose tradition?
    The Senior Dinner.

    What’s a book that has influenced you?
    The Way by Josemaría Escrivá - little thoughts that influence your faith.

    Is there a quote or motto that inspires you?
    “Let nothing disturb you, let nothing frighten you.” - St. Teresa of Avila.

    Who is someone past or present you would love to have dinner with?
    Pope John Paul II. I love what he gave to the world.

    What are some of your passions, hobbies or skills outside the classroom?
    I enjoy baking, running and spending time with my family.
  • Photo of Angeli Fernandes
    Angeli Fernandes
    Science, Theology, Theater
    Seton Hall University - B.S.
  • Photo of Sarah Hanna
    Sarah Hanna
    University of Toronto - Master of Teaching
    University of Toronto - BS
  • Photo of Madeleine Lechner
    Madeleine Lechner
    Northwestern University - BA
    Pontifical University of the Holy Cross - B TH
    Why are you passionate about your subjects?
    I am passionate about music and French because they open up new means of communication for our students. Learning another language is not just another class, but a means to understanding others’ cultures and how they see the world. It is very exciting to observe students as their vision of the world expands and they reevaluate their own culture in light of their new knowledge.

    What are the benefits of an all girls education? 
    I see how comfortable my students are in an all girls environment. I see them taking risks in the classroom which I know would be much harder in a coed environment.

    What’s a book that has influenced you?
    Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. I found Jane to embody self-knowledge, empathy, and critical thinking, and at the same time someone with whom I could identify.

    Who is someone past or present you would love to have dinner with and why?
    Perhaps Joan of Arc. I read her biography by Mark Twain and it fascinated yet perplexed me. Her story is unique - plus, she is French.

    What are some of your passions, hobbies or skills outside the classroom?
    I like to sing, run, knit, fish and travel. In addition to French, I speak Spanish and some Italian, and I would love to learn German or Arabic - I love all languages.
  • Photo of Christina Marge
    Christina Marge
    Corcoran College of Art and Design - BFA
    What do you love about teaching?  
    Imparting the concepts involved with seeing art, making art, and sharing the wonder and beauty of that experience with students is an awesome mission for me every day. The best days in the studio are those when students discover their potential through perseverance and engagement with the art process. Projects that make students reflect, build confidence, stretch ideas, and connect art to the world outside the studio are what drive me. I love to see when a student never gives up on her art, tries her very best, learns to trust her intuition and unleashes her creative potential.

    What are the benefits of an all girls education? 
    In our all-girls environment, I see girls asking critical questions, exploring creative endeavors, joining clubs and sports, and participating in competitions. They gain confidence and flourish academically and emotionally.

    What is your favorite Montrose tradition?
    The Senior Will. It is a platform where the entire community hears messages that symbolize the genuine connection between students and their teachers.

    What’s a book that has influenced you?
    Creative Authenticity: 16 Principles to Clarify and Deepen Your Artistic Vision by Ian Roberts. It is a collection of essays about inner exploration and asking the questions each artist needs to address if her work is to be deep, true and meaningful.

    Is there a quote or motto that inspires you?
    “To develop a complete mind: Study the science of art; Study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” - Leonardo da Vinci

    Who is someone past or present you would love to have dinner with?
    Andrew Graham Dixon. He is an amazing British art historian, author of several books and producer of many art documentaries.

    What are some of your passions, hobbies or skills outside the classroom?
    Other than pursuing my personal artistic goals in drawing and painting, my six-year-old son is my current primary interest outside the classroom.
  • Photo of Mandy Nicholson
    Mandy Nicholson
    Saint Anselm College - B.A.
    University of New Hampshire - M.A.
  • Photo of Molly O'Malley
    Molly O'Malley
    Math, Computer Science
    Marquette University - B.S.
  • Photo of Emma Ortiz
    Emma Ortiz
    Learning Support, Theology
    St Anselm College - BA
  • Photo of Lauren Pajak
    Lauren Pajak
    Rutgers University - Graduate School of Education - Ed. M.
    Rutgers School of Arts & Sciences - BA
  • Photo of Annie Vanderpool
    Annie Vanderpool

Dedicated to a Unique Mission

Our faculty are teachers and scholars. They are well read, well traveled, lifelong learners with a wide range of interests. They teach, write and present for audiences outside Montrose School.

Their most important qualification, however, is that they understand and appreciate young women. They remain advisors and mentors to our girls long after they graduate. 

Montrose faculty are...

  • Committed to collaborating with parents to help each student achieve her personal best and discover the joy of learning.
  • Passionate about their subjects, their students and the adventure of learning and teaching.
  • Mentors who create a culture of academic seriousness, intellectual freedom and moral integrity where students can grow in confidence and self-knowledge.
  • Caring adults who notice, take an interest in, and come to love and appreciate each student as an individual.
  • Professional educators who take their own intellectual lives seriously and engage in ongoing study and professional development.

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Montrose School's focus on educating the whole person holds true for its faculty as well.
These teachers have the passion and caring to transform lives.
There is something amazing going on here.
An independent school for girls in grades 6-12 guided by the teachings of the Catholic Church.